
The curriculum and ethos at Cathedral Primary School provides the opportunity for all children to achieve their full potential in the academic, musical, creative, social, spiritual and emotional aspects of their lives. All members of our school community will embody the school vision of “Many Voices One Harmony”; and be guided by the school values of:  Creativity, Respect and Courage.

We have an ambitious curriculum, teaching the National Curriculum.  It is rigorous, coherent and sequential, where knowledge is taught to be remembered. Our cumulative curriculum from EYFS to Year 6, ensures that children build on their knowledge year by year. The curriculum is rooted in the strongest available evidence about how pupils learn and retain knowledge in the long term.

Carefully selected enrichment opportunities are key to providing all pupils rich experiences to enhance their learning.  Please click on the links below to read the curriculum intent and understand the coverage for each subject. 

English icon
french icon Forest School geography icon history icon
maths icon music icon PE icon PSHE icon
Religious Education icon Science icon