Term Dates and times of the school day

 To download our Term Dates, please click on the link below:

2024 - 2025 Term Dates

Or for a quick view please see below. 

Date for 2025 - 2026 have yet to be confirmed.

Our end of the day is staggered to ensure that children from both primary and secondary schools can leave the site safely.
This means the children have between 32 hours and 5 minutes and 32 hours and 55 minutes per week in school. 

Timings of the School Day
Year Group Start of the Day
Time & Location
End of the Day
Time & Location

Breakfast Club
(both sites)

7.45am - 8.25am
CPS Garden Entrance - BH Main Entrance

(Brandon Hill Site)

8.30am - 8.40am
Brandon Hill Main Entrance
Brandon Hill Playground
Year 1 8.30am - 8.40am
Garden Gate Entrance
Y1 Garden
Year 2 8.30am - 8.40am
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Year 3 8.30am - 8.40am
Main Entrance 
Main Entrance
Year 4 8.30am - 8.40am
Side Entrance
The Slope
Year 5 8.30am - 8.40am
Side Entrance
The Slope
Year 6 8.30am - 8.40am
Side Entrance
Side Entrance
Shine After School Club
(College Square Site)
------ End of the school Day until 4.30pm - Session 1
4.30pm - 5.55pm - Session 2

Shine After School Club
(Brandon Hill Site)

Brandon Hill - TBC
Term Dates 2024 -2025

Please note, Reception Phased Entry dates have changed. 

Phased Entry now begins on Monday 16th September